Generate Power At Night With New Solar Panels

Researchers from the university of California have created a new invention that can create energy at night.
Solar panels have always had one massive drawback that of they are no good at creating energy when the sun has gone down!
The team of University of California Davis researchers have developed what they are referring to as an “anti-solar-panel”.
Instead of generating energy from the sun anti-solar panels, as the name suggests, do the opposite. Anti-solar panels generate energy by using the heat that radiates off of the earths surface at night.
So, where a traditional solar panel would absorb photons from the sun’s radiation to generate energy anti-solar panels use a process known as radiative cooling. Air grows cooler at night and so heat radiates from the earth’s surface. The heat radiates in the form of infra-red light. The new panels can absorb this energy to generate power.