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Innovation and Creativity Spark Your Imagination!


Hello and a warm welcome to Innovation Creativity. My name is Martin and my goal is for this site to be a definitive guide to all things related to innovation, invention, ideas, and creativity.

My Interest…

I first gained an interest in innovation and the input to innovation which is creativity in 2003 while completing my Master’s degree in business administration at Leeds Metropolitan University in the UK. Since that point, I have continued to research and further my learning in the innovation and creativity field.

My intention is to use this site as a means to share my knowledge and understanding with others who have similar interests in innovation and creativity.

What’s The Difference

There often tends to be confusion between innovation and creativity. Innovation is basically the ability to make new things actually happen and creativity is the ability to have original ideas / see a different way of doing something.

Creativity is the thinking, innovation is the implementation.

Being Innovative

Being innovative in your day-to-day working life is a sure way to excel and promote your career on a fast track forward.

Continuing with the status quo may feel like a safe option, but in the long run, it will turn out to be riskier than getting out there and trying new things or creating new products, approaches, processes or services.

If you don’t make the changes then you can be sure that someone else will and that someone else can soon take the lead via their innovative approach.

Another good reason for innovation creativity is that people are often in their element when being creative or implementing creative ideas. Time flies by, you will feel like there are not enough hours in the day, you will have vast amounts of energy and you will be jumping out of bed in the morning in order to get to work on your innovative project.

My hope is that this site may assist you in being more creative and help you in gaining more understanding of the innovation process.

To get started and learn more about innovation and creativity please use the links on the navigation bar to the left to find more about creativity and innovation.

I hope you find this site useful and good luck with all of your current and future innovation creativity projects.

My Other Sites

One of my other interests and passions is leadership and personal development. If you’d like to learn more about leadership and development then please visit: leadership-and-development 

As far as my general day job is concerned, I love developing web-based software solutions. To fully pursue my passion I set up a cloud-based software company with two friends of mine… Objitec Ltd. If you need any software developing for your organization then please don’t hesitate to get in touch with me so we can discuss your requirements further.

Our core Objitec product is an online booking and membership site called PlanIt-BookIt. Please take a look and let me know what you think.

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You may also be interested in my other website covering topics on leadership and personal development.