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Creativity Lecture Notes

A warm welcome to the creativity lecture notes section of the web site.

lecture notes

This web page should be used as a guideline for items that should be included in a lecture on creativity.

The lecture should teach your students how to…

  • Present ideas clearly and concisely so as to gain maximum stakeholder approval / buy in.
  • How to transform creativity into practical innovative solutions.

Key Takeaways…

Key takeaways from any lecture on creativity should be:

  • The importance of creativity as the driving force for innovation.
  • Creative solutions to problems can significantly increase business potential.
  • Everyone and anyone can learn to be more creative.


For an excellent and humorous lecture by Sir Ken Robinson titled “Do schools kill creativity?” please visit the Creativity for Kids page.

Below is a more formal business school type lecture on managing creativity and innovation that was given at the Indian Institute of Science in Bangalore by professor K B Akhilesh.

The lectures core focus is on problem solving steps and includes a discussion on brainstorming and lateral thinking as techniques to assist in getting creative solutions to problem domains…


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