Indent notches at either side of automobile hubcaps. The pesky job of prying off the caps with a tire tool would sure be a lot easier.
By Edward Podalske, Crystal Lake, Ill.
May 1961
Indent notches at either side of automobile hubcaps. The pesky job of prying off the caps with a tire tool would sure be a lot easier.
By Edward Podalske, Crystal Lake, Ill.
May 1961
Underwater weed cutters you would attach to an outboard motor with its prop removed. They’d work a bit like a rotary lawn mower while you rowed the boat.
By A. Malinick, Thornwood, New York.
May 1961
The most obvious application for the new underwater weed cutter is, of course, fishing!
When you cast your line, a little more than you expect it to sink, your lure is likely to become clogged with unwanted weeds and debris. The best bet? Use an underwater weed cutter with a small brush attachment, to catch whatever gets caught, so that the line isn’t slowed by debris.
Lunch-counter stools that could be slid in-floor slots to adjust the distance from the counter would enable both fat and thin folk to enjoy their food in comfort.
By Patrick Hall, Fort Smith, Ark.
May 1961
You can purchase your very own adjustable bar stools from Amazon!..
Washable paper money. If coated with plastic, bills could be given a sudsy bath as needed and there’d be no more “filthy lucre” carrying germs.
By Jonas Martin, San Francisco.
May 1960
This idea for polymer banknotes is now a reality in many countries. Having lived in both Canada and the UK I know that both those countries use plastic-type notes that can quite happily go through a wash cycle without any damage to them!
You can purchase plastic money on Amazon, believe it you can! Although it is for kids, no doubt good for their learning and development though!..
A bottle opener built into the doorpost of cars. All you need is an opening of the proper shape, and it would save a lot of frustration.
By M. Berger, University City, Mo.
May 1960
I don’t know about a car door bottle opener, but you can get a jazzy, colourful bottle opener from Amazon that can help you open just about any bottle.
Ratchets in the wheels of rotary power mowers to prevent them from rolling backwards on slopes. A lever on the handle would release the brake.
By Roger Race, Saukville, Wis.
May 1960
Rotary power mowers have become widely accepted in their field, and are currently the most popular equipment available for use with lawn care, for two reasons: they are relatively easy to operate and provide the operator with the highest possible degree of control over the mowing operation. This is especially important with grass mowing, since small operator errors can quickly lead to over mowing or mowing in the wrong place. Thus, in the course of a few minutes, a small operator error on the part of the operator may result in a large and unsightly lawn, requiring days or weeks to repair. In addition, even small changes in the condition of the lawn (i.e., such as dryness or wetness) can lead to operator error in the amount of the cut, or even a missed cut. As such, it is often important that the operator be able to control the rotary mower to ensure a proper cut is made.
You can purchase a modern-day power mower from Amazon…
Disposable paint brushes. You’d buy long strips of bristles, cut off a piece as needed, and slip it into one of a set of various size holders.
By Joseph A. Slais, Riverside, Ill.
May 1960
Disposable paint brushes are widely used for cleaning, applying, coating, and painting. The most commonly used type of paint brush is the cylindrical brush, which is made by folding a paper or plastic tube about a cylindrical wire core. The wire core is generally a small diameter nylon core or stainless steel wire and the bristles are formed of materials such as polyester or nylon. These brushes are made by a number of ways including (a) placing bristles at one end of the core and folding the tube around the core, (b) placing bristles at both ends of the core and folding the tube around the core, and (c) spirally wrapping bristles about the core.
They are used in various fields for painting surfaces of walls and the like. A conventional disposable paintbrush includes a grip body and a plurality of bristles arranged on the grip body. The grip body includes a grip section extending from the end of the grip body and a handle section provided at the end of the grip section. Bristles are fixed to the grip body and extend from a brush end.
You can purchase disposable paint brushes from Amazon
A weight gauge on fishing rods. You’d sight past it to the end of the rod, and the rod’s bend would indicate the weight of a fish.
By George Williams, Portolla Valley, California.
May 1960
You can purchase digital fishing scales on Amazon, I don’t think rods with in-built scales ever took off!
Knapsacks that open out flat to make it more convenient for campers to find things. They might be cross-shaped and zipper-fastened.
By Norvell Neitzke, Plainview, Nebr.
May 1959
You can purchase a knapsack/backpack on Amazon, although I don’t think that they open out flat!..
Car mufflers and exhaust pipes with flange and bolt connections. With fittings like that, removal or installation would be a breeze.
By Robert E.Curlee, Winston-Salem, N.C.
May 1959
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