Ice Melters

Ice melters for stuck cars. Short flexible pipes on a dual-tailpipe system would expel heat when the driver opened butterfly valves from the dash.
By F.J.Morgan Jr., East Liverpool, Ohio.
December 1957
I like this idea a lot. Having lived on the outskirts of Toronto, Canada for eight years, I was always trying to come up with new ideas for how to clear ice and snow from my driveway.
Most of my ideas were variations of electric blankets or warm water flowing through some kind of pipe based system.
I did consider buying a snow removal machine although there’s still effort involved with those too and they need maintenance.
Unfortunately, as many of us are now moving to electric vehicles, the idea from 1957 might need quite a lot of revamping!
Let me know your ice and snow moving ideas in the comments below, preferably ones that don’t involve a snow shovel, snow removal machine, and hard work!
That said until someone comes up with a better idea if you do want to purchase a snow thrower you purchase one on Amazon here! (affiliate link)