Innovation Articles
A warm welcome to the innovation articles section of the website. On this page, I publish innovation articles that I have either found or that have been asked to publish.
If you would like to publish your article on the innovation-creativity website then please contact me using the contact form at the bottom of this page.

Why Inventing Is Still A One Man Job
Why Inventing Is Still A One Man Job by Lynn A.Williams first published in September 1961 One of the surprises of modern life is the relatively small contribution of large corporations to the sum total of significant creative and new ideas. Historically, important new ideas have come through individual initiative. They have come less often from […]

What To Invent
What to invent… For an invention to make a profit it has to create a business. To make a business you need to be inventing something that is cheaper, better and / or substantially different to competing products. What should you invent? by Martin Mann First Published March 1961 The formula for profitable inventions […]

Now Inventing Is Easier Than Ever!
By Norman Carlisle (1963)Now inventing is easier than ever… Here’s how new materials, ready-made for the inventor, can start those royalty dollars flowing in.What’s happening to the independent inventor? Is he a dying breed, losing out in the face of competition from team research in the big industrial labs?Not at all. The Patent, Trademark, and […]

What tiki-taka football can teach us about boosting innovation
Peter Swann, University of Nottingham As the Premiership juggernaut rumbles back to centre stage, bringing with it the usual impassioned debate about footballing philosophies and the respective merits of “parking the bus” and possession, spare a thought for innovation policy. Innovation is often defined as the successful application of new ideas to create wealth. But […]

Straight Talk – Part 1: So you’ve Invented Something… Now What?
By Martin Mann (First Published in February 1961) Invented something? This is the Great American Dream. Particularly something that will make at least a million dollars. Lots of people realize the idea/creation part of the dream. Every week the U.S. Patent Office issues 1,000 magnificently engraved certificates attesting to it. Some of them make money. […]

Innovation Process From The Perspective Of Measurement
by Suriati Zainal Abidin, Sany Sanuri Bin Mokhtar, and Rushami Zien bin Yusoff College of Business Universiti Utara Malaysia Sintok, Malaysia This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. ABSTRACT Innovation process is one of […]

by: Stoyan Tanev, Mette Præst Knudsen, Tanja Bisgaard, and Merethe Stjerne Thomsen “Innovation policy design has to be based on a double principle, namely, the existence of real problems hindering innovativeness of an economy, and the ability of public agents to proactively solve or mitigate them.” – Charles Edquist, Leif Hommen, and Maureen McKelvey Innovation and Employment: […]

The Innovation Manager And His Position In The Company
by KATEŘINA HRAZDILOVÁ BOČKOVÁ 1 INTRODUCTION Innovation is the magic word in business and public administration. However, huge potential for improvement has only minimal use, even in companies where ideas and suggestions are more or less systematically collected and implemented and some authors rewarded. While domestic companies often do not pay sufficient attention to innovation management, […]

Idea Generation Boosting Your Output Of Good Ideas
by Max Gunther How to boost your idea generation. Every year companies shell out millions for employees’ suggestions. That’s just one small part of the payoff for getting bright ideas on the job. YOU’RE riding home from work, or cleaning the garage, or shaving. ~ Suddenly it hits you: “Hey! Why don’t I . . […]

How To Cash In On Your Invention
By Norman Carlisle (This article was originally published in October 1963) When George Breen a young electrical-equipment salesman, moved to a Vermont farm with the idea that he’d make maple sugaring pay, he soon tired of the backbreaking labor involved in doing it as it had been done since the Revolution. Extracting sap from the […]
Grass Roots Innovation
by Mohd Faiz HilmiUniversiti Sains, Malaysia ABSTRACTGrassroots innovation is defined as innovative product or process created at the bottom of the pyramid, usually due to necessity, hardship and challenges. This article seek to understand and examine how grass-roots innovation creates productive employment. This article briefly explain the role of Yayasan Inovasi Malaysia, a government agency setup […]
Suggestion Box
Got an idea that will mean bigger bucks for your company? Drop it in the suggestion box. Here’s how little ideas can pay off big. By E. D. Fales Jr. (Please note this suggestion box article was first published in Dec 1963) IN KENTUCKY the other day a man loaded his family aboard a new […]