New Innovations/Inventions
A warm welcome to the new innovations/inventions section of the website. On this page, I will showcase some of the more recent innovations/inventions.

Please click on the new innovations/inventions posts below for more details. Do any spark any ideas with yourself?

CleanBlock Pen Santizer
Shared pens are known to potentially carry lots of bacteria and viruses. They are a sure way to spread infections.In one study a shared pen was shown to contain more than 46,000 times more bacteria than what you would find in a household toilet.This invention aim to reduce this risk of spreading bacteria from shared […]

Generate Power At Night With New Solar Panels
Researchers from the university of California have created a new invention that can create energy at night. Solar panels have always had one massive drawback that of they are no good at creating energy when the sun has gone down! The team of University of California Davis researchers have developed what they are referring to […]

Why Use A Selfie Stick When You Can Use A Drone Instead!
Photo Credit: Airselfie This new invention called Airselfie is a great replacement for the traditional selfie stick! Even with a selfie stick, it can often be very difficult to get a big group of people into a photo. This problem is resolved by this new drone that flies in the air and takes that perfect […]

No More Lost Remotes With A Mind Activated Remote Control
Photo Credit: Nexmind This clever device invented by French technology company Nexmind aims to do away with such things as a television remote control. Using sensors it scans for electrical brain activity. The user can focus on a particular thing on the screen in front of them and the device can then work out what […]

Wearable Camera Assists Hearing Aid
Photo Credit: Orcam If you wear a hearing aid yourself or you’ve ever discussed them with someone who does yo may well be aware that hearing aids pick up sounds from all over the place. Often sounds that the wearer is not particularly interested in hearing, such as distracting background noises. In an attempt to […]

Rapid Drink Chiller
Photo Credit AP No one likes warm beer or white wine at a party. If you’ve not had a chance or forgotten to chill your drinks earlier then this invention could be just what you need. Called the Juno chiller and invented by Akram Boukai the chiller works by rapidly spinning the drink, this process […]

Solar Powered Electric Tricycle
Photo Credit Olivia Rudgard This pedal-assisted vehicle is not quite a car and not quite a bike. It’s power-assisted from solar panels attached to the roof of the vehicle. Made by the French start-up company Wello it has a top speed of twenty-five miles per hour and can be driven without the need for a […]

Dyslexia Treatment Using Light
Photo Credit Lexilife A new smart light has been invented by the French company Lexilife. Based on research published back in 2017 the company has created a special light that helps prevent the confusing signals that dyslexic people receive when reading. In non-dyslexic people, one eye is dominant, whereas in dyslexic people both eyes send […]

Virtual Fence For Your Dog
Photo Credit OnPointSystems This invention by OnPointSystems is a virtual fence for your dog. You simply but a GPS enabled dog collar on your dog and then set the boundaries. If your dog goes beyond the set boundary then two audible tones are sounded and your dog is given a mild electric shock. This shock […]
Toilet Paper Robot
Photo Credit James Titcomb Have you ever been sat on the throne only to realize that you’ve run out of toilet paper? Well, this toilet paper robot aims to solve this problem for you. Invented by Procter & Gamble who owns the Charmin brand of toilet paper this robot named “RollBot” can be called from […]
Smart Mailbox
Photo Credit Danby People are shopping in a store less and less these days. Many now opt for on-line shopping for its ease and simplicity. Amazon dominates the online shopping market. Unfortunately, this rise in online shopping has also seen a rise in thefts from so-called “package thieves”. These are people who watch for Amazon […]
Virtual Car Sun Visor
Photo Credit Bosch This is an excellent new invention from German manufacturer Bosch. One in fifty car accidents in the UK is caused by sun glare according to the AA causing many fatal or serious injuries each year. Bosch aims to reduce this with its new virtual car sun visor. It works by tracking the […]