The Creative Solutions Equation

Many people think that creative solutions come about purely by luck or chance. While this is true in a few situations it is rarely the case for the majority.
Most creative solutions come about as a result of lots of hard work and perseverance. New creative breakthroughs are often the result of hours upon hours of trial and error from people who are not afraid to fail.
Such people use failure as a means to reflect and learn from. New learning gives way to new skills and knowledge, which in turn provides new ways to experiment. Rarely do things fall into place easily. Successful people understand that failing is part of success.
It is hard work that brings creativity and therefore I would say that the creative solutions equation is…
Hard work + Perseverance = Creative Solutions
In order to achieve such a level of effort though you should consider channeling your efforts into an area that you are passionate about; passion can make days feel like hours and hours feel like minutes.
Passion also makes hard work feel like a joy.
Go to your local library and read the biographies of some successful people that inspire your or that you respect. This might be a great motivator to get you started on the path to your very own successful creative solutions. Good luck.