Innovation, Creativity, And Entrepreneurship

Innovation and creativity are the heart of entrepreneurship development. How can you discuss this statement and strategies that can be used to enhance innovation and creativity?
By Sammy
My Reply
My reply that I added on my old web site. Feel free to add your own in the comment section at the bottom of this page.
Very true innovation and creativity are at the heart of entrepreneurship. Creativity can be used to dream up an entrepreneurial idea and then you can follow the innovation process to bring the idea to life / make this new entrepreneurial idea actually happen.
To help you think up an entrepreneurial idea take a look at some creativity techniques. I also think it is important to make the idea something that you are passionate about. Ideally, you could take two areas (perhaps hobbies) that you are passionate about and look for ideas that could successfully incorporate the two together. For example, if you have a passion for Tennis and for computer programming then perhaps you might consider developing a web site that manages leagues, court bookings or matches players to other players. You could then offer this service to tennis clubs on a subscription basis.
In order to get a feel for how your idea might work you might want to consider rapid prototyping. Basically get the rough idea complete in a quick and easy form and then share it with friends or other like-minded people to get their feedback or recommendations for how the idea could be improved.
Remember to record all your ideas on notepaper or on your computer. Ideas that you might dismiss now may prove to be useful in the future. Take the idea that you feel will be most successful and go with it – do something immediately to bring it closer to reality.
Hope this helps, Martin