Play-Doh Play ‘N Store Kids Play Table for Arts & Crafts Activities

The Play-Doh Play ‘N Store Kids Play Table for Arts & Crafts Activities usually retails for between $40 and $50 and is geared for children aged three years and upwards.
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Play-doh was first introduced in 1956 and is a non-toxic, putty-like substance that contains wheat and that kids can use to mold into shapes.
The set includes an activity table and a number of accessories including various molds, cutting tools, and extruders.
There are molds that the kids can use to make play-doh creations and it comes complete with 8 cans of play-doh.
The kit also includes two storage compartments where the play-doh and tools can be stored away.
This product is designed to enable kids to use their imagination to build and create new play-doh models.
The whole kit is designed to encourage creative play and the product has in fact won awards from Family Fun magazine and The Creative Child Magazine.
While the set is fun for kids if your budget is tight you will find that your kids can be just as creative using some wooden/plastic utensils, plates, and bowls that you can find in your kitchen or alternatively read my creativity for kids page and if you scroll down to the bottom of the page you will find a number of ideas for creative games you can play with kids. Plus a section where you can contribute your own creative games/ideas for kids.