What Are You Doing When You Get Your Best Ideas?

For me, I usually get my best ideas as soon as I wake up in the morning. I used to keep a pen and paper by the side of my bed so I could record these ideas but I now use my smartphone instead.
For many others their best ideas come while they are in the shower, taking a bath, listening to music or when they are walking the dog.
I think the key here is that ideas seem to come from your subconscious mind. At moments when you have no stress or worries and no pressing tasks or needs. Basically to be at your most creative you need time and space to think without distractions. Ideas never seem to come when you feel under pressure to come up with something or when you’re hard at work doing some analysis for your place of work.
So if you need to come up with an idea quickly think of things that you do automatically or things that you do that you enjoy and make you feel relaxed. There is lots of noise in our daily lives – things are always popping in and out of our minds… Collecting the kids from school, taking your suit to the dry cleaners, what we can have for dinner tonight, how will I complete that report in time, etc., etc.
So you need to find ways to distract all of that noise. Try meditating or take a walk to your local coffee shop.
Think hard about what you are doing when your best ideas come to you and perhaps go do it now!