Think Illogically

Using logic can be great for evaluating ideas but when it comes to creating ideas try to break your pre-conditioned stereotypes by trying to think illogically.
Rather than thinking of just the first logical answer that springs to mind, a creative person will look for further and often more imaginative solutions. Try to remove the deep-rooted assumption/block that many of us enforce that logical thinking is better than illogical thinking.
In fact it’s often illogical thinking that creates great ideas!
In the end, the only real limitation is your imagination and creative ability to find novel solutions to problems.
I like this quote: “A creative person is one who can find a way to make an impossible situation possible.”
Many non-creative people tend to try to copy what they see rather than question and think in a different direction.
Ask yourself, “How would someone have made this before?”
Ask yourself, “How would someone have made this differently?”